Nourish The Earth

Check our DIY papers and help us nourish earth´s green soul

land with us

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By 2050 95% of Earth´s land could become degraded


By 2025 half the world´s population could be living in areas facing water scarcity

Latin boy touching the drops of water that come out of the faucet,

Water & Food Security

Help us reduce the water scarcity.

Melting iceberg on the ocean. Global warming and climate change

Mitigate Climate Change

Help us reduce the effects from climate change.

Aerial top view green forest tree texture and background, Tropical rainforest Ecosystem ecology.

Conserve Biodiversity & Ecosystems

Help us nourish the green soul of the earth.

hand planting a seed in soil

About Alma Viridis

We are a non-profit organization that aims to restore degraded land and improve the lives of people and nature.

We believe that land restoration is not only an environmental challenge, but also a social and economic opportunity. We work with local communities, governments, and partners to implement low-cost and effective solutions, such as the bund methodology, that can enhance food security, mitigate climate change, conserve biodiversity, and create livelihoods. 

We fight to transform the arids into green lands.

Learn More

The 4 Step Bund Methodology

We deploy this method, which is a low-tech technique that involves digging or building small earthen structures called bunds to capture and retain rainwater on degraded land. 

step 1: Site Selection

Identify the degraded land that needs restoration and assess its biophysical and socio-economic conditions.

Step 2: Bund design and construction

Choose the appropriate shape, size, spacing, and orientation of the bunds according to the site characteristics and restoration objectives.

Step 3: Vegetation management and enhancement

Allow natural regeneration of plants within and around the bunds by reducing grazing pressure and fire disturbance.

Step 4: Monitoring and evaluation

Measure and record the changes in land conditions and ecosystem services after implementing the bunds.

our goal is terraform the arids of north america

Land Restored


Water Sequestrated


co2 impacted


Livelihoods benefited


Our Mission

We believe hospitality isn´t just for home, but for everyone and everywhere we are.

We envision a world where land is healthy, resilient, and productive for all.

Fundraising Projects


Turtle swims in the water, close-up, blue background.
Water Scarcity by 2025

Water scarcity is a global challenge that affects millions of people and ecosystems around the world. Water scarcity refers to…

Arid lands. Global warming, desertification.
Land Degradation by 2050

Land degradation is a global problem that affects the health and productivity of the Earth’s land resources. Land degradation…

No food in supermarket
Food Insecurity by 2050

Food insecurity is a condition where people lack access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary…

Help Us Re-green North America

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